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I’m Afraid of Men – Vivek Shraya


Mae gan Vivek Shraya reswm i fod ag ofn. Drwy gydol ei hoes mae wedi dioddef ymddygiadau creulon ac ymosodol am fod yn rhy fenywaidd fel bachgen a ddim yn ddigon benywaidd fel merch. Nawr, gyda gonestrwydd, mae Shraya yn rhannu cofnod pwysig o’r difrod a achosir gan gwreig-gasineb, homoffobia a thrawsffobia.

Vivek Shraya has reason to be afraid. Throughout her life she’s endured acts of cruelty and aggression for being too feminine as a boy and not feminine enough as a girl. In order to survive childhood, she had to learn to convincingly perform masculinity. As an adult, she makes daily compromises to steel herself against everything from verbal attacks to heartbreak. Now, with raw honesty, Shraya delivers an important record of the cumulative damage caused by misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia, releasing trauma from a body that has always refused to assimilate. I’m Afraid of Men is a journey from camouflage to a riot of colour and a blueprint for how we might cherish all that makes us different and conquer all that makes us afraid.

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