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Hurricane Child – Kacen Callender


Nid yw Caroline yn ferch lwcus iawn. Mae pawb yn ei hysgol yn ei chasau ac yn ei bwlio yn rheolaidd, ac mae’n cael ei dilyn yn ddi-stop gan ysbryd mai hi yn unig yn gallu ei gweld. Yn waeth fyth, gadawodd ei mam ei chartref teuluol un diwrnod a dyw hi ddim wedi ddychwelyd adref.

Ond pan mae disgybl newydd o’r enw Kalinda yn dechrau yn ei hysgol, mae Caroline yn creu ffrind am y tro cyntaf, ac mae hi’n tyfu i’w charu. Gyda’i gilydd, bydd rhaid i Caroline a Kalinda ddod o hyd i fam Caroline cyn iddi diflannu am byth.

Being born during a hurricane is unlucky, and 12-year-old Caroline has had her share of bad luck lately. She’s hated and bullied by everyone in her small school on St. Thomas of the US Virgin Islands, a spirit only she can see won’t stop following her, and – worst of all – Caroline’s mother left home one day and never came back.

But when a new student named Kalinda arrives, Caroline’s luck begins to turn around. Kalinda, a solemn girl from Barbados with a special smile for everyone, becomes Caroline’s first and only friend — and the person for whom Caroline has begun to develop a crush. Now, Caroline must find the strength to confront her feelings for Kalinda, brave the spirit stalking her through the islands, and face the reason her mother abandoned her.

Together, Caroline and Kalinda must set out in a hurricane to find Caroline’s missing mother — before Caroline loses her for ever.

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