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Half Time: The Autobiography – Nigel Owens


Fersiwn Saesneg wedi ei ddiweddaru o’r hunangofiant poblogaidd, Hanner Amser a gyhoeddwyd yn 2008. Mae Nigel Owens yn wyneb cyfarwydd ar lwyfannau ‘Noson Lawen’ fel diddanwr, ar raglenni teledu fel ‘Jonathan’, ac ar feysydd rygbi fel un o ddyfarnwyr gorau’r byd. Ond cyn cyrraedd uchelfannau’r byd rygbi bu trwy argyfwng personol dirdynnol.

An English and updated version of Hanner Amser, published in 2008. Nigel Owens is a familiar figure on stage and television, and is considered one of the best rugby referees in the world. But before reaching his current status in the world of professional rugby, he went through an excruciating personal crisis. A hardback version is also available.

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