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Dreams Bigger Than Heartbreak – Charlie Jane Anders


Byddan nhw’n gwneud unrhyw beth i fod y bobl roedden nhw i fod – hyd yn oed siwrnai i galon drygioni. Rachael Townsend yw’r artist cyntaf erioed i adael y Ddaear a theithio allan i’r galaeth – ond ar ôl cyfarfod ag arteffact estron, ni all wneud celf o gwbl.

Mae Elza Monteiro yn benderfynol o fod y person dynol cyntaf i fentro y tu mewn i’r Palace of Scented Tears a dod yn dywysoges – ond y tu mewn i’r palas, mae hi’n dod o hyd i’r person olaf yr oedd hi erioed eisiau ei weld eto. Mae Tina Mains yn astudio yn yr Academi Ofod Frenhinol gyda’i ffrindiau, yn paratoi i achub y bydysawd – ac nid hi yw’r arwr gofod badass yr oedd pawb yn ei ddisgwyl. Mae’r tair merch ifanc hyn yn cael eu gwthio i ddwylo tynged, yn teithio i wagleoedd tywyll, yn llywio cenadaethau ysbïwr marwol, ac yn wynebu dewisiadau amhosibl a allai newid eu bywydau am byth.

Gyda thynged yr alaeth yn hongian yn y fantol, rhaid iddynt ddarganfod eu cryfder, pa bynnag ffurf a fydd.

They’ll do anything to be the people they were meant to be – even journey into the heart of evil. Rachael Townsend is the first artist ever to leave Earth and journey out into the galaxy – but after an encounter with an alien artifact, she can’t make art at all.

Elza Monteiro is determined to be the first human to venture inside the Palace of Scented Tears and become a princess – except that inside the palace, she finds the last person she ever wanted to see again. Tina Mains is studying at the Royal Space Academy with her friends, preparing to save the universe – and she’s not the badass space hero everyone was expecting. These three young women are thrust into the hands of destiny, journeying into dark voids, navigating deadly spy missions, and facing impossible choices that could change all their lives forever.

With the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance, they must discover their strength, whatever form it takes.

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