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Delilah Green Doesn’t Care – Ashley Herring Blake


Roedd Delilah Green yn sicr na fyddai hi byth yn mynd yn ôl i Bright Falls – does dim byd yno iddi heblaw atgofion o blentyndod unig. Mae ei bywyd nawr yn Efrog Newydd, gyda’i gyrfa ffotograffiaeth o’r diwedd yn ennill stêm a’i gwely byth yn wag. Mae hi gyda menyw wahanol bob nos, ond mae hynny’n iawn gyda hi. Pan mae llys-chwaer Delilah yn rhoi pwysau arni i dynnu lluniau o’i phriodas, mae Delilah yn ôl yn Bright Falls unwaith eto. Mae hi’n bwriadu dod i mewn a mas, ond yna mae’n gweld Claire Sutherland, un o ffrindiau Astrid, ac yn penderfynu efallai bod rhywfaint o hwyl i’w gael.

Ar ôl magu ei merch ar ei phen ei hun tra’n delio â’i chyn-cariad annibynadwy a’n rhedeg siop lyfrau, mae Claire yn dibynnu ar fywyd heb syrpreis. Ac mae Delilah Green yn syrpreis digroeso… yn y dechrau. Er eu bod nhw’n nabod ei gilydd ers blynyddoedd, dydyn nhw ddim wir yn adnabod ei gilydd. Pan maen nhw’n cael eu gorfodi gyda’i gilydd yn ystod y paratoadau priodas, nid yw Claire yn siŵr y gall hi wrthsefyll swyn Delilah. Yn waeth byth, mae hi’n dechrau meddwl nad yw hi eisiau.

Delilah Green swore she would never go back to Bright Falls – nothing is there for her except memories of a lonely childhood. Her life now is in New York, with her photography career finally gaining steam and her bed never empty. Sure, it’s a different woman every night, but that’s just fine with her.

When Delilah’s estranged stepsister pressures her into photographing her wedding with a guilt trip and a large check, Delilah finds herself back in Bright Falls once more. She plans to breeze in and out, but then she sees Claire Sutherland, one of Astrid’s stuck-up besties, and decides that maybe there’s some fun (and a little retribution) to be had, after all.

Having raised her daughter mostly on her own while dealing with her unreliable ex and running a bookstore, Claire depends upon a life without surprises. And Delilah Green is an unwelcome surprise. . . at first. Though they’ve known each other for years, they don’t really know each other – so Claire is unsettled when Delilah figures out exactly what buttons to push. And when they’re forced together during the many wedding preparations, Claire isn’t sure she has the strength to resist Delilah’s charms. Even worse, she’s starting to think she doesn’t want to.

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