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Cinderelliot: A Scrumptious Fairytale – Mark Ceilley + Rachel Smoka-Richardson + Stephanie Laberis


Mae Cinderelliot yn sownd gartref yn gofalu am ei lys-chwaer a’i lys-frawd anniolchgar. Pan fydd y Tywysog Samuel yn cyhoeddi cystadleuaeth ar draws y deyrnas i ymuno â’r staff brenhinol fel ei bobydd, mae’r llys-siblingiaid yn mynnu bod Cinderelliot yn pobi eu cynigion, gan adael dim amser iddo ef, ei hun, gystadlu. Ond mae Ludwig, ei Tad Tylwyth Teg yn ymddangos ac yn helpu Cinderelliot i bobi ei gacen siocled orau, i lanhau, a chyrraedd y gystadleuaeth mewn limo.

Cinderelliot is stuck at home taking care of his ungrateful stepsister and stepbrother. When Prince Samuel announces a kingdom-wide competition to join the royal staff as his baker, the stepsiblings insist that Cinderelliot bake their entries, leaving no time for he, himself, to compete. Fairy Godfather Ludwig appears and magically helps Cinderelliot bake his best chocolate cake, clean up, and get to the competition via limo.

At the bake-off, Prince Samuel falls in love with Cinderelliot’s cake, but our hero has to run off as the clock strikes midnight, leaving behind his chef hat. The next day, Prince Samuel searches the kingdom for the owner of the hat and finds that it fits perfectly on Cinderelliot’s head. The prince is delighted to find not only his new baker but also the man of his dreams, and Cinderelliot creates a magnificent wedding cake–and the two live scrumptiously ever after.

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