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Boy Parts – Eliza Clark


Stori am Irina sy’n cael y cyfle i adfywio ei gyrfa yn y byd celf, pan mae’n cael cynnig arddangosfa o’i lluniau dinoethol – ond mae’r newyddion yn achosi iddi ymddwyn yn hunanddinistriol tuag at ei pherthnasau agos.

Irina obsessively takes explicit photographs of the average-looking men she persuades to model for her, scouted from the streets of Newcastle. Placed on sabbatical from her dead-end bar job, she is offered an exhibition at a fashionable London gallery, promising to revive her career in the art world and offering an escape from her rut of drugs, alcohol, and extreme cinema. The news triggers a self-destructive tailspin, centred around Irina’s relationship with her obsessive best-friend, and a shy young man from her local supermarket who has attracted her attention…

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