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Baggage: Tales from a Fully Packed Life – Alan Cumming


Dyma gofiant Alan Cumming, yn rhannu ei bwyntiau uchaf ac isaf o’i yrfa, ei brwydr gydag iechyd meddwl, pob methiant o berthynas, pob cyfarfyddiad positif gyda chwedleuon (Liza! Spice Girls!). Yn y llyfr hwn, mae Cummings yn rhannu sut mae pob profiad– da neu ddrwg – wedi siapio pwy ydyw heddiw.

Baggage chronicles the actor’s life in Hollywood and the ways in which work has repeatedly whisked him away from personal calamities to sets and stages around the world. Taking us through the highs and lows of his career, his struggle with mental health, each failed relationship or encounter with a legend (Liza! X-Men! Gore Vidal! Kubrick! Spice Girls!), every bad decision or moment of sensual joy, Cumming shows how every experience – good or bad – has shaped who he is today: a happy, flawed, vulnerable, fearless middle-aged man, with a lot of baggage.

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