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Bad Feminist – Roxane Gay


RHYBUDD: Mae’r llyfr hwn yn cyfeirio tuag at a phortreadau o ddefnydd cyffuriau ac alcohol, hiliaeth, casineb tuag at fenywod, trais domestig, camdrin rhywiol o blant a thrais rhywiol.

Yn y casgliad yma o draethodau, Bad Feminist, mae Roxanne Gay yn dadansoddi nifer o agweddau o’n diwylliant a chymdeithas gyfoes.

CONTENT WARNING: This text contains references to and depictions of drug and alcohol use, gambling, racism, misogyny, domestic abuse, child sexual abuse, sexual assault and rape.

The celebrated collection of essays by Roxanne Gay, Bad Feminist, sees the writer dissects many aspects of society and culture, including The Help, abortion and Scrabble tournaments.

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