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All In: The Autobiography of Billie Jean King – Billie Jean King


Hunan-bortread ysbrydoledig o bencampwr cydraddoldeb sy’n cwmpasu ei gyrfa tennis, gweithrediaeth, ac ymrwymiad parhaus i gyfiawnder.

Mae Billie Jean King yn rhannu stori taith ei bywyd i ddod o hyd i’w gwir hunan. Mae’n sôn am ei gyrfa tennis arloesol – chwe blynedd fel y fenyw rheng uchaf yn y byd, ugain o bencampwriaethau Wimbledon, a’i threchu Bobby Riggs yn y “Battle of the Sexes.” Mae hi’n cofio cefndir y blynyddoedd hynny, mudiad rhyddhad merched a phrotestiadau gwrth-ryfel yr 1960au, y mudiad hawliau sifil ac yna mudiad hawliau LHDTC+.

Disgrifia’r llu o heriau y mae hi wedi wynebu – rhywiaeth, anhwylder bwyta ac adfail ariannol ar ôl cael ei gorfodi i ddod mas – ar ei llwybr i gydnabod yn gyhoeddus ei hunaniaeth rywiol yn hanner cant ac un oed.

Mae Billie Jean King yn dangos sut mae byw yn onest a’n agored wedi cael effaith drawsnewidiol ar ei pherthnasoedd a’i hapusrwydd. Dyma stori o ffeminydd arloesol, athletwr a safon fyd-eang, ac ysbryd anorchfygol.

An inspiring and intimate self-portrait of the champion of equality that encompasses her brilliant tennis career, unwavering activism, and an ongoing commitment to fairness and social justice.

In this spirited account, Billie Jean King details her life’s journey to find her true self. She recounts her groundbreaking tennis career — six years as the top-ranked woman in the world, twenty Wimbledon championships, thirty-nine grand-slam titles, and her watershed defeat of Bobby Riggs in the famous “Battle of the Sexes.” She poignantly recalls the cultural backdrop of those years and the profound impact on her worldview from the women’s movement, the assassinations and anti-war protests of the 1960s, the civil rights movement, and, eventually, the LGBTQ+ rights movement.

She describes the myriad challenges she’s hurdled — entrenched sexism, an eating disorder, near financial ruin after being outed — on her path to publicly and unequivocally acknowledging her sexual identity at the age of fifty-one. And she talks about how her life today remains one of indefatigable service. She offers insights and advice on leadership, business, activism, sports, politics, marriage equality, parenting, sexuality, and love.

She shows how living honestly and openly has had a transformative effect on her relationships and happiness. Hers is the story of a pathbreaking feminist, a world-class athlete, and an indomitable spirit whose impact has transcended even her spectacular achievements in sports.

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