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You Gotta Be You: How to Embrace This Messy Life and Step Into Who You Really Are – Brandon K. Goodman


Amcan You Gotta Be You ydy gorfodi pobl i ddychmygu beth fydd eu bywyd fel os nad oeddech yn ceisio cydymffurfio gyda normau cymdeithasol. Mae awdur Brandon Kyle Goodman, person Du, anneuaidd, dal sy’n pwyso 180lbs, a chafodd ei eni mewn cyrff dyn i deulu crefyddol o fewnfudwyr, mae Brandon yn deall y gost bersonol o guddio eich hunaniaeth ddilys ac nid ydyn nhw eisiau unrhyw arall wneud hynny rhagor, os nag oes angen.

From the time we’re born, a litany of do’s and don’ts are placed on us by our families, our communities, and society. We’re required to fit into boxes based on our race, gender, sexuality, and other parts of our identities, being told by others how we should behave, who we should date, or what we should be interested in. For so many of us, those boxes begin to feel like shackles when we realize they don’t fit our unique shape, yet we keep trying because we crave acceptance and validation. But is “fitting in” worth the time, energy, and suffering? Actor, writer, and activist Brandon Kyle Goodman says, Hell no it ain’t!

As a Black nonbinary, queer person in a dark-skinned 6’1″, 180-pound male body born into a religious immigrant household, Brandon knows the pain of having to hide one’s true self, the work of learning to love that true self, and the freedom of finally being your true self.

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