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Where We Go From Here – Lucas Rocha


Mae Henrique wedi cael HIV ers tair blynedd. Mae Ian newydd brofi’n bositif. Daeth Victor gyda Henrique neithiwr ac mae’n meddwl y gallai fod ganddo.

Rhaid i Ian, Victor a Henrique lywio triniaeth, cyfeillgarwch a chariad, ac yn y pen draw ddysgu ymddiried yn ei gilydd. Oherwydd gyda chrebwyll ac anwybodaeth yn llechu rownd bob cornel, nid yr afiechyd yw’r her go iawn – pobl eraill ydyw. Mae’r awdur o Frasil, Lucas Rocha, yn datgelu’r camsyniadau a’r rhagfarnau cyffredin sy’n dal i fod o amgylch HIV yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, gan ddangos pa mor bell rydyn ni wedi dod tra’n taflu goleuni ar ba mor bell sydd gennym eto i fynd.

Henrique has had HIV for three years. Ian has just tested positive. Victor got with Henrique last night and thinks he might have it.

Ian, Victor and Henrique must navigate treatment, friendship and love, and eventually learn to trust each other. Because with judgement and ignorance lurking round every corner, the real challenge isn’t the disease – it’s other people. Brazilian author Lucas Rocha unveils the common misconceptions and prejudices that still surround HIV in the twenty-first century, showing how far we’ve come while shining a light on just how far we have yet to go.

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