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The Taking of Jake Livingston – Ryan Douglass


Mae Jake Livingston, 16 oed, yn gweld pobl farw ym mhobman. Ond ni all benderfynu beth sy’n waeth: cael ei orfodi i wylio’r meirw yn chwarae allan eu munudau olaf neu fod ar drugaredd athrawon hiliol fel un o’r ychydig fyfyrwyr Du yn St Clair Prep. Ond mae pethau yn St Clair yn dechrau edrych i fyny gyda dyfodiad myfyriwr Du arall, Allister golygus, ac am y tro cyntaf, mae rhamant ar y gorwel i Jake.

Yn anffodus, mae bywyd hefyd yn gwaethygu. Er bod y mwyafrif o ysbrydion yn ddiniwed, mae Sawyer Doon eisiau llawer mwy gan Jake. Mewn bywyd, saethodd Sawyer chwech o blant mewn ysgol uwchradd leol cyn cymryd ei fywyd ei hun. Nawr mae’n ysbryd pwerus, dialgar ac mae ganddo gynlluniau ar gyfer Jake.

Mae ysgol uwchradd wedi dod yn fath gwahanol o gêm oroesi – nid yw Jake yn siŵr y gall ennill.

Sixteen-year-old Jake Livingston sees dead people everywhere. But he can’t decide what’s worse: being a medium forced to watch the dead play out their last moments on a loop or being at the mercy of racist teachers as one of the few Black students at St Clair Prep. Both are a living nightmare he wishes he could wake up from. But things at St Clair start looking up with the arrival of another Black student – the handsome Allister – and for the first time, romance is on the horizon for Jake.

Unfortunately, life as a medium is getting worse. Though most ghosts are harmless, Sawyer Doon wants much more from Jake. In life, Sawyer was a troubled teen who shot and killed six kids at a local high school before taking his own life. Now he’s a powerful, vengeful ghost and he has plans for Jake.

High school has become a different kind of survival game – one Jake is not sure he can win.

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