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The Subtweet: A Novel – Vivek Shraya


RHYBUDD CYNNWYS: Mae’r nofel yma yn cynnwys portreadau o hiliaeth, rhywiaeth, casineb yn erbyn menywod, rhyw a marwolaeth.

Am flynyddoedd, methodd cerddor Neela Devaki i ddenu sylw i’w gwaith, tan i artist RUK-MINI rhyddhau fersiwn o un o’i chaneuon.  O ganlyniad, datblygwyd y ddwy berthynas, ond mae poblogrwydd cynyddol RUK-MINI yn rhoi straen ar hyn.

CONTENT WARNING: This novel contains depictions of raicism, sexism, misogyny, sex and death.

Musical auteur Neela Devaki struggles to gain the attention of the mass public, until journalist and amateur artist RUK-MINI covers one of her songs.  Following this, the two develop a friendship, however, as RUK-MINI’s mass appeal grows following the rediscovery of endevours from her past, their relationship becomes strained.

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