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The Dinner Lady Detectives – Hannah Hendy


Mae Margery a Clementine yn mwynhau canol oed heddychlon gyda’i gilydd yn nhref fechan, hyfryd Dewstow, ac yn aros am ymddeoliad o’u gwaith yn gweini prydau i fyfyrwyr ysgol uwchradd Summerview. Ond mae eu bywyd tawel yn cael ei chwalu pan ddarganfyddir rheolwr eu cegin yn farw yn rhewgell yr ysgol.

Mae’r heddlu’n bendant ei fod yn achos o farwolaeth ddamweiniol. Ond mae Margery a Clementine yn siwr bod rhywbeth llawer mwy erchyll yn digwydd, ac maen nhw’n cymryd arnynt eu hunain i ymchwilio. Wrth iddyn nhw fodfeddi’n agosach at y gwir, daw’n amlwg na fydd rhywun yn stopio’n ddim i gadw’r pâr yn dawel. A fydd y drwgweithredwr yn cael eu dal cyn i amser rhedeg allan?

Murder is a dish best served ice cold…

Margery and Clementine are enjoying a peaceful middle-age together in the small, idyllic town of Dewstow, and eagerly awaiting retirement from their work on the front line serving meals to the students at Summerview secondary school. Their calm life is shattered when their kitchen manager is found dead in the school’s walk-in freezer.

The police are adamant that it’s an open-and-shut case of accidental death. Margery and Clementine are convinced there’s something far more nefarious going on, and they take it upon themselves to investigate. As they inch closer to the truth, it becomes clear that someone will stop at nothing to keep the pair quiet.

Will the perpetrator get their just-desserts before their time runs out? A delightful, quintessentially British cosy mystery perfect for fans of SJ Bennett and Robert Thorogood.

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