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Tell Me Everything – Laura Kay


A fyddech chi’n ymddiried dewisiadau eich bywyd i rywun sy’n benderfynol o osgoi eu rhai nhw? Mae Natasha gyda’i bywyd o dan rheolaeth, neu dyna sut mae’n ymweld. Fel therapydd, mae ganddi’r atebion i gyd, ond mae’n hen bryd i hi dechrau gymryd ei chyngor ei hun yn ei bywyd personol. Wrthi hi dal i fyw gyda’i chyn-gariad, mae ei bywyd cariad yn anniben/dod.

Ond mae popeth yn newid pan mae hi’n cwrdd â Margot. Mae rhaid i Natasha dod o hyd i balans rhwng hunanwireddu a hunan-ddinistr, wrthi hi ceisio trwsio perthnasoedd sydd hen wedi torri a dechrau rhai newydd.

Pan dydy gwadiad ddim yn opsiwn, mae’n bryd i Natasha gymryd rheolaeth o’i hapusrwydd ei hun.

Would you entrust your life choices to someone hell-bent on avoiding theirs? Natasha has everything under control, at least that’s what her clients think. As a therapist, she has all the answers but when it comes to her personal life, she seriously needs to start taking her own advice. Still living with her ex-girlfriend, Natasha’s messy love life is made up of dates and one-night stands.

After all, why would you commit to one person, when there is an endless stream of people waiting for you to swipe right? Besides, people always leave. But when Margot arrives on the scene, everything changes. Flailing between mending long broken relationships and starting new ones, Natasha’s walking the line between self-actualisation and self-destruction…

With denial no longer an option, it is time for Natasha to take control of her own happiness.

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