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Survive the Dome – Kosoko Jackson


Roedd Jamal Lawson eisiau bod yn rhan o rywbeth. Fel newyddiadurwr uchelgeisiol, mae’n pacio ei gamera ac yn mynd i Baltimore i ddogfennu rali yn protestio creulondeb yr heddlu ar ôl i ddyn Du arall gael ei lofruddio.

Ond cyn iddo ddechrau mewn gwirionedd, mae’r ddinas yn gweithredu protocol diogelwch newydd… y Dôm. Mae’r Dôm yn amgylchynu’r ddinas, gan orfodi’r rhai oddi mewn i danysgrifio i gyfyngiadau milwrol llwyr. Ni all neb fynd i mewn, ac ni all neb fynd allan.

Ar ei ben ei hun mewn lle rhyfedd, nid yw Jamal yn gwybod ble i droi.. nes iddo gwrdd â’r haciwr Marco, sy’n gwybod mwy nag y mae’n ei adael ymlaen, a Catherine, myfyriwr graddedig AWOL, y gwnaeth ei rhieni helpu i adeiladu’r Dôm. Wrth i aflonyddwch y tu mewn i Baltimore dyfu trwy gydol y cyfnod cloi, mae Marco, Catherine, a Jamal yn mynd â’r frwydr yn uniongyrchol at bennaeth yr heddlu. Ond mae’r ddinas yn llwgr o’r tu mewn, ac mae’n mynd i gymryd popeth sydd ganddyn nhw i oroesi.

Jamal Lawson just wanted to be a part of something. As an aspiring journalist, he packs up his camera and heads to Baltimore to document a rally protesting police brutality after another Black man is murdered.

But before it even really begins, the city implements a new safety protocol…the Dome. The Dome surrounds the city, forcing those within to subscribe to a total militarized shutdown. No one can get in, and no one can get out.

Alone in a strange place, Jamal doesn’t know where to turn…until he meets hacker Marco, who knows more than he lets on, and Catherine, an AWOL basic-training-graduate, whose parents helped build the initial plans for the Dome. As unrest inside of Baltimore grows throughout the days-long lockdown, Marco, Catherine, and Jamal take the fight directly to the chief of police. But the city is corrupt from the inside out, and it’s going to take everything they have to survive.

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