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Sticker – Henry Hoke


Mae sticeri yn addurno ein hatgofion cyntaf, ar ein llyfrau nodiadau a’n waliau, ar ffrwythau, ac yn mynd gyda ni i oedolaeth i gyhoeddi ein credoau ar bymperi ceir. Mae ganddynt bŵer rhyfeddol i ddiffinio ac ysgogi, ac yn dal presenoldeb rhyfedd yn ein hoes o gyfryngau corfforol. Mae Henry Hoke yn defnyddio sticeri i archwilio bachgendod cwiar, anabledd rhiant, a thrais teuluol.

Yn gofiant mewn 20 sticer, mae Sticker wedi’i osod yn erbyn cefndir presenoldeb neo-ffasgaidd ymledol yn nhref enedigol Hoke, Charlottesville, Virginia, sy’n arwain at ymosodiad terfysgol angheuol ar Awst 12fed a’i ganlyniadau cenedlaethol.

Stickers adorn our first memories, dot our notebooks and our walls, are stuck annoyingly on fruit, and accompany us into adulthood to announce our beliefs from car bumpers. They hold surprising power in their ability to define and provoke, and hold a strange steadfast presence in our age of fading physical media. Henry Hoke employs a constellation of stickers to explore queer boyhood, parental disability, and ancestral violence.

A memoir in 20 stickers, Sticker is set against the backdrop of the encroaching neo-fascist presence in Hoke’s hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia, which results in the fatal terrorist attack of August 12th and its national aftermath.

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