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Queer Body Power: Finding Your Body Positivity – Essie Dennis


Fel person ifanc, cwiar, maint plws, teimlwyd Essie Dennis nad oeddent yn ddigon – ddim yn ddigon cwiar, ddim yn ddigon benywaidd, ddim yn ddigon perffaith. Pan aethynt at y cyfryngau cymdeithasol i rhannu’u teimladau, roeddent wedi’u gorlethu gan faint o bobl oedd yn teimlo’n debyg.

Rydw i’n edrych yn rhy wrywaidd i fod yn ddeuaidd.
Rydw i’n edrych yn rhy fenywaidd i fod yn lesbiad.
Ydw i’n rhy dew am ddrag?

Wrth herio’r safonau harddwch derbyniol, gwelwyd Essie yn cymryd popeth maent wedi dysgu ar eu siwrnai i dderbyn eu hunan, a boddhad yn eu corff, i’ch helpu chi i dderbyn eich corff cwiar. Wrth drafod rhyw, rhywioldeb, cyrff, bwyd, gwleidyddiaeth, y cyfryngau cymdeithasol a chasineb at fraster, mae’r llyfr gwreiddiol ac eithafol hwn yn dechrau sgwrs am ddelwedd cordd a iechyd meddwl sy’n cynnwys pobl cwiar, yn groes i’r arfer.

Trwy gynnig cyngor onest a straeon pwerus gan ystod o bobl cwiar, mae hwn yn lyfr ffyrnig sy’n ysbrydoli pob un i ddeall eu bod yn ddigonol.

As a young, queer, plus-size person, Essie Dennis has spent a lot of time feeling like they weren’t enough – not queer enough, not feminine enough, not perfect enough. When they took to social media to share how they felt, they were overwhelmed by how many others felt the same.

I look too masculine to be non-binary
I look too feminine to be a lesbian
Am I too fat for drag?

Inviting you to challenge accepted beauty standards and the concept of ‘the perfect body’, Essie takes everything they have learned on their journey to self-acceptance and body satisfaction to help guide you towards loving your queer body. From gender, sexuality and reclaiming your body, through to food, politics, social media and fatphobia, this radical book starts a conversation about body image and mental health that queer people are so often left out of.

Fiercely and unapologetically written, and with honest advice and powerful stories from a diverse range of queer people throughout, this is an inspiring and necessary book that will show you that you are enough.

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