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Pet – Akwaeke Emezi


RHYBUDD: Mae’r nofel yma yn cynnwys cyfeiriadau tuag at camdrin o blant, trais rhywiol a phortreadau o drais corfforol.

Croeso i Lucille, ddinas heddychlon. Yn y gorffennol, rheolwyd y lleoliad gan angenfilod, ond cafon nhw eu trechu yn ystod rhyfel, cyn i’r prif gymeriad, Jam, cael ei geni. Felly, nad oes unrhyw angenfilod yn Lucille rhagor… wel, dyna beth y credwn. Pan mae’r creadur, Pet, yn dod i’n byd i waredu ag anghenfil cudd, mae rhaid i Jam a’i ffrind orau, Redemption, ceisio dangos i oedolion bod bwystfilod dal yn byw yn eu plith.

CONTENT WARNING: This novel contains references to rape and child abuse, as well as portrayals of physical violence and gore.

Lucille: a city of peace, following a long war, in which, all Monsters were banished.  Or so people believed.  The creature, Pet, arrives in Lucille, hunting a Monster, however, protagonist, Jam and her best friend, Redemption, have trouble convincing others that Monsters still live among them.

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