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Pantomime – Laura Lam


Mae bywyd Gene yn debyg i freuddwyd. Ac eto, mae’n cuddio cyfrinach a fyddai’n ei gweld yn cael ei chilio gan y boneddigion. Mae Gene yn wrywaidd ac yn fenywaidd.

Mae hefyd yn dechrau dangos galluoedd hudol annymunedig. Mae hi’n ffoi o adref, wedi gwisgo fel bachgen.

Mae’r ddinas tu hwnt yn galw arni, ond eisiau rhyddid y mae hi nid dirgelion. Felly, ar ol ailddyfeisio fel ‘Micah Grey’, mae Gene yn ymuno â’r syrcas.

Gene’s life resembles a debutante’s dream. Yet she hides a secret that would see her shunned by the nobility. Gene is both male and female. Then she displays unwanted magical abilities – last seen in mysterious beings from an almost-forgotten age. Matters escalate further when her parents plan a devastating betrayal, so she flees home, dressed as a boy. The city beyond contains glowing glass relics from a lost civilization. They call to her, but she wants freedom not mysteries. So, reinvented as ‘Micah Grey’, Gene joins the circus. As an aerialist, she discovers the joy of flight – but the circus has a dark side

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