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On Connection – Kae Tempest


Gan ddefnyddio ugain mlynedd o brofiad fel awdur a pherfformiwr; y bardd, rapiwr a storïwr Kae Tempest sy’n archwilio sut a pham y gall creadigrwydd feithrin mwy o hunanymwybyddiaeth, a’n helpu i sefydlu perthynas ddyfnach gydag ein hunain a’r byd. Wedi’i ysgrifennu yn bersonol ac yn obeithiol, mae On Connection yn fyfyrdod ar gysylltiad creadigol ac yn alwad i’r gad sy’n siarad â gwirionedd.

Drawing on twenty years’ experience as a writer and performer, award-winning poet, rapper and storyteller Kae Tempest explores how and why creativity – however we choose to practise it – can cultivate greater self-awareness and help us establish a deeper relationship to ourselves and the world. Personal, hopeful and written with piercing clarity, On Connection is a meditation on creative connection and call to arms that speaks to a universal yet intimate truth.

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