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Milk Fed – Melissa Broder


Mae Rachel yn 24, yn Iddewes gwrthgiliedig sy’n gaeth i gyfrif calorïau ac ymarfer corff. Yna mae’n cwrdd â Miriam, Iddewes uniongred ifanc sy’n dangos cariad trwy fwydo. Yn sydyn, mae Rachel wedi’i swyno gan Miriam ac wrth i’r ddwy yn tyfu’n agosach mae Rachel yn cychwyn ar daith o hunan ddarganfod.

Rachel is twenty-four, a lapsed Jew who has made calorie restriction her religion. By day, she maintains an illusion of control by way of obsessive food rituals. At night, she pedals nowhere on the elliptical machine. Then Rachel meets Miriam, a young Orthodox Jewish woman intent upon feeding her. Rachel is suddenly and powerfully entranced by Miriam – by her sundaes and her body, her faith and her family – and as the two grow closer, Rachel embarks on a journey marked by mirrors, mysticism, mothers, milk, and honey.

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