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Love & Other Disasters – Anita Kelly


Mae’r cystadleuydd anneuaidd cyntaf ar hoff sioe goginio America yn cwympo am ei cystadleuydd lletchwith yn y gomedi ramantus gyntaf flasus hon gan Anita Kelly.

Wedi ysgaru ac ar fin methdaliad, mae Dahlia Woodson yn barod i ailddyfeisio ei hun ar sioe gystadleuaeth realiti boblogaidd. Ond y peth cofiadwy cyntaf y mae’n ei wneud yw cwympo’n fflat ar ei hwyneb – nid y dechrau newydd yr oedd hi’n gobeithio amdano. Mae hi’n dal yn canolbwyntio ar ennill nes iddi gwrdd â rhywun y gallai fod eisiau dyfodol gyda mwy nag sydd ei angen yr arian arni.

Ar ôl cyhoeddi eu rhagenwau ar deledu cenedlaethol, mae gan London Parker ddigon ar eu meddwl heb boeni am, fel profi eu tad a’r ‘trolls’ yn anghywir, felly nad oedd cwympo mewn cariad yn rhan o’r cynllun. Wrth i Lundain a Dahlia ddod yn nes, mae realiti yn dechrau cwympo i ffwrdd. Hwyl fawr, pryder am ddyfodol ansicr, a straen o drawsffobia. Helo, shenanigans doniol ar set a dipiau digymell yn y môr. Ond mae’r perthynas stêmog yn dechrau teimlo’r pwysau y tu mewn a’r tu allan i’r gegin – a rhaid iddyn nhw ddarganfod a oes ganddyn nhw’r cynhwysion cywir.

The first openly nonbinary contestant on America’s favorite cooking show falls for their clumsy competitor in this delicious romantic comedy debut that USA Today hailed as “an essential read.”

Recently divorced and on the verge of bankruptcy, Dahlia Woodson is ready to reinvent herself on the popular reality competition show Chef’s Special. Too bad the first memorable move she makes is falling flat on her face, sending fish tacos flying—not quite the fresh start she was hoping for. Still, she’s focused on winning, until she meets someone she might want a future with more than she needs the prize money.

After announcing their pronouns on national television, London Parker has enough on their mind without worrying about the klutzy competitor stationed in front of them. They’re there to prove the trolls—including a fellow contestant and their dad—wrong, and falling in love was never part of the plan.

As London and Dahlia get closer, reality starts to fall away. Goodbye, guilt about divorce, anxiety about uncertain futures, and stress from transphobia. Hello, hilarious shenanigans on set, wedding crashing, and spontaneous dips into the Pacific. But as the finale draws near, Dahlia and London’s steamy relationship starts to feel the heat both in and outside the kitchen—and they must figure out if they have the right ingredients for a happily ever after.

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