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Heartbreak Boys – Simon James Green


Mae ffugio’r haf gorau erioed yn llawer anoddach nag y mae’n edrych… Ar ddechrau’r haf, mae Jack a Nate yn cael eu dympio wrth i’w cyn cariadon, Dylan a Tariq, dechrau perthynas newydd gyda’i gilydd. Yn waeth byth, mae eu cyn cariadon yn dechrau postio lluniau ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol, gan ddangos i’r byd i gyd pa mor wych yw eu bywyd newydd gyda’i gilydd!

Felly mae Jack a Nate yn penderfynu creu ‘highlights reel’ eu hunain i ddangos eu bod nhw’n cael amser gwell fyth. Ond rhwng y motelau ddigalon, meysydd gwersylla llaith, ac ‘ultimate showdown’ gyda’r cyn cariadon, mae rhywbeth epig yn digwydd mewn gwirionedd: mae Jack a Nate yn dysgu dod dros eu torcalon ac agor eu hunain i bosibiliadau newydd am gariad. Stori ddoniol am dorcalon a hijinks gan yr awdur arobryn Simon James Green.

Mae Simon James Green, un o brif awduron ffuglen pobl ifanc LHDTC+ yn y DU, yn awdur llyfrau Alex in Wonderland a Noah Can’t Even. Darlleniad nesaf perffaith i ffans o Heartstopper ac Adam Silvera.

Faking the best summer ever is a lot harder than it looks… At the start of summer, Jack and Nate find themselves dumped as their respective exes, Dylan and Tariq, start up a new relationship together. Not only that, their exes start posting pics on social media, showing the whole world how fabulous their new life together is! Jack and Nate are reeling.

Not to be outdone, they decide to create their own ‘highlights reel’ and show their exes that they’re having an even better time. But between the depressing motorway service station motels, damp campsites, and an ultimate showdown with the exes, something epic really is happening: Jack and Nate are learning to get over their heartache and open themselves up to new possibilities for love. A hilarious story of heartbreaks and hijinks from award-winning author Simon James Green.

One of the UK’s leading writers of LGBTQ+ teen fiction, Simon James Green is the author of Alex in Wonderland and the Noah Can’t Even books. A perfect next read for fans of Heartstopper and Adam Silvera.

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