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Golden Boy – Abigail Tarttelin


I’r byd y tu allan, mae Max Walker yn fachgen euraidd: mab a brawd cariadus, y myfyriwr perffaith, capten y tîm pêl-droed a chariad breuddwydiol pob merch.

Ond mae Max yn rhyngrywiol – nid yn fachgen na merch. Nawr mae rhywbeth ofnadwy wedi digwydd iddo, ac mae’r canlyniadau wedi ei adael yn cwestiynu ei wir hunaniaeth. A all y bobl o’i gwmpas – ei gariad, ei gyd-ddisgyblion, ei rieni uchelgeisiol – ei dderbyn am bwy ydyw? Neu a fydd bywyd cudd Max rhwygo ei fyd yn ddarnau?

Max Walker: blue-eyed boy or girl next door? To the outside world, Max Walker is a golden boy: a loving son and brother, the perfect student, captain of the football team and every girl’s dream boyfriend.

But Max was born intersex – neither fully boy nor fully girl. Now something terrible has happened to him, the consequences of which have left him questioning his true identity. Can the people around him – his girlfriend, his classmates, his ambitious parents – accept him for who he is? Or will Max’s secret life tear his world apart?

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