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Girls of Fate and Fury – Natasha Ngan


Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 11eg Tachwedd 2022

Daw rhamant epig Lei and Wren i gasgliad syfrdanol yn y diweddglo ffrwydrol i gyfres glodwiw y New York Times, Girls of Paper and Fire.

‘Don’t struggle, Lei-zhi. It’s time to take you back to the Hidden Palace. You’re going home.’

Roedd diweddglo syfrdanol Girls of Storm and Shadow yn gadael tynged Lei a Dryw yn hongian yn y fantol. Mae yna un peth mae Lei’n ei wybod – ni all hi byth ddychwelyd i’r ‘Hidden Palace.’ Bydd y trawma a’r drasiedi a ddioddefodd y tu ôl i’r waliau afloyw hynny yn ei phlagio am byth. Ni ellir ei chaethiwo yno gyda’r brenin sadistaidd eto, yn enwedig heb Wren.

Gyda’r ddwy ferch wedi’u rhwygo’n ddarnau a phob un mewn perygl mawr, a fyddan nhw’n aduno o’r diwedd, neu a fydd eu tynged wedi dargyfeirio am byth?

Release Date: 11th November 2022

The epic romance of Lei and Wren comes to a breathtaking conclusion in the explosive finale to the acclaimed, New York Times bestselling Girls of Paper and Fire series.

‘Don’t struggle, Lei-zhi. It’s time to take you back to the Hidden Palace. You’re going home.’

The jaw-dropping conclusion to Girls of Storm and Shadow left the fates of Lei and Wren hanging in the balance. There’s one thing Lei knows – she can never return to the Hidden Palace. The trauma and tragedy she suffered behind those opulent walls will plague her forever. She cannot be trapped there with the sadistic king again, especially without Wren.

The last time Lei saw the girl she loved, Wren was fighting an army of soldiers in a furious battle to the death.

With the two girls torn apart and each in great peril, will they reunite at last, or have their destinies diverged forever?

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