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Chelsea Girls – Eileen Myles


Mae llais Myles yn fyw yn y nofel hunangofiannol hon, gan blethu atgofion o’u magwraeth Gatholig yn y 1960au gyda thad alcoholig, eu glasoed llawn straen, eu “lesbianity” llawn hyder a’u hymdrechion i oroesi fel bardd yn y Efrog Newydd yn 1970au a’r 80au

In this breathtakingly inventive autobiographical novel, Eileen Myles transforms their life into a work of art. Suffused with alcohol, drugs, and sex; evocative in its depictions of the hardscrabble realities of a young queer artist’s life; with raw, flickering stories of awkward love, laughter, and discovery, Chelsea Girls is a funny, cool, and intimate account of how one young writer managed to shrug off the imposition of a rigid cultural identity. Told in Myles’s audacious and singular voice made vivid and immediate by their lyrical language, Chelsea Girls weaves together memories of Myles’s 1960s Catholic upbringing with an alcoholic father, their volatile adolescence, their unabashed “lesbianity,” and their riotous pursuit of survival as a poet in 1970s and 80s New York.

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