Brickmakers – Selva Almada


Mae dau ddyn ifanc, Pajaro Tamai a Marciano Miranda, yn marw mewn hen barc difyrrwch. Mae’r stori’n dechrau bron ar ei diwedd, yn union ar ôl i’r ddau brif gymeriad wynebu mewn ymladd cyllell. Wrth i farwolaeth ddod, mae’r ddau yn freuddwydio a’n gweld ysbrydion eu tadau.

Wedi’i hadrodd â chynddaredd ac angerdd, sy’n atgoffa rhywun o William Faulkner neu Katherine Anne Porter, mae Brickmakers yn drasiedi wledig, yn stori cariad, anrhydedd a thrais lle mae popeth yn y fantol.

Two young men, Pajaro Tamai and Marciano Miranda, are dying in a deserted amusement park. The story begins almost at its end, just after the two main characters have faced off in a knife fight: the culmination of a rivalry that has pitted them against one another since childhood. The present in Brickmakers is a state of impending death, at moments marked by dream-like visions: Marciano is visited by the ghost of his father, who was murdered when he was a teenager, a father he had sworn to avenge, in a promise he could not keep.

Pajaro is also visited, in a recurring nightmare, by his abusive father who disappeared years earlier. Narrated with fury and passion, reminiscent of William Faulkner or Katherine Anne Porter, Brickmakers is a rural tragedy in the great American tradition, a story of love, honour and violence where everything is at stake. Reprising the powerful imagery and the filmic landscape of The Wind That Lays Waste, and the threatening atmosphere of Dead Girls, Brickmakers is yet another proof of Almada’s extraordinary talent.

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