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Young Bloomsbury – Nino Strachey


 Yn yr 1920au, daw cenhedlaeth newydd ymlaen i fywiogi y Grwp Bloomsbury.

Mae Young Bloomsbury yn ein cyflwyno i gymeriadau lliwgar, fel llenor a beirniad cerddoriaeth Edward Sackville-West, cerflunydd Stephen Tomlin a llenores Julia Strachey.

Roedd Bloomsbury wastad wedi dathlu cydraddoldeb a rhyddhad rhywiol yn breifat, ond daeth hunan-fynegiant yn fwy cyhoeddus yn yr 1920au, gyda croeswisgo Bloomsbury ifanc yn rhoi llais newydd i’r hen Bloomsbury, tu fewn i deulu dewisedig o rebeliaid yn erbyn confensiynau.

In the 1920s a new generation stepped forward to invigorate the Bloomsbury Group — creative young people who tantalised the original ‘Bloomsberries’ with their captivating looks and provocative ideas.

Young Bloomsbury introduces us to an extraordinarily colourful cast of characters, including novelist and music critic Eddy Sackville-West, ‘who wore elaborate make-up and dressed in satin and black velvet’; sculptor Stephen Tomlin; and writer Julia Strachey. Talented and productive, these larger-than-life figures had high-achieving professional lives and extremely complicated emotional lives.

Bloomsbury had always celebrated sexual equality and freedom in private, but by the 1920s self-expression was becoming more public, with cross-dressing Young Bloomsbury giving Old Bloomsbury a new voice in a chosen family of a shared rebellion against pre-war conventions.

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