My Shadow is Pink – Scott Stuart


Mae My Shadow is Pink yn stori odli wedi’i hysgrifennu’n hyfryd sy’n cyffwrdd â phynciau hunaniaeth rhywedd, hunan-dderbyniad, cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth. Wedi’i ysbrydoli gan fachgen bach yr awdur, mae’r prif gymeriad yn hoffi tywysogesau, tylwyth teg a phethau ‘nid i fechgyn’…mae’n dysgu’n fuan (trwy gefnogaeth ei dad) fod gan bawb gysgod y maen nhw’n teimlo bod angen iddyn nhw cuddio weithiau. Dyma lyfr pwysig i genhedlaeth newydd o blant (ac oedolion) sy’n enghreifftio’r cysyniadau o gariad diamod, parch a magu plant yn gadarnhaol.

My Shadow is Pink is a beautifully written rhyming story that touches on the subjects of gender identity, self acceptance, equality and diversity. Inspired by the author’s own little boy, ‘Shadow’s’ main character likes princesses, fairies and things ‘not for boys’…he soon learns (through the support of his dad) that everyone has a shadow that they sometimes feel they need to hide. This is an important book for a new generation of children (and adults alike) which exemplifies the concepts of unconditional love, respect and positive parenting.

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